Allocation of Club places
The 2015 Marathon takes place on Sunday 26 April.
Bromsgrove & Redditch AC will not know, until sometime in November 2014, how many Club places will be given by the race organisers.
Once known, the Club’s policy to allocate those places (usually three) to its members for the 2015 Marathon is:
- Club places will initially be allocated (if necessary by ballot if demand exceeds Club places) to fully paid up Club members who must have received a rejection slip as a result of an unsuccessful on-line application for the London Marathon 2015, and who did not get a Club place for the 2014 event. The rejection slip must be shown to a Club Officer.
- Then, if any Club places remain unallocated, those who did not compete in the 2014 marathon will be considered (again by ballot if necessary).
- For any Club places which then continue to be unallocated, those who competed in the 2014 marathon will be considered (again by ballot if necessary).
- Requests for Club places must be received on or before 31 October 2014. A ballot or ballots will, if necessary, be held by the end of November 2014 and the outcome made known immediately.
Simon Bowen, Andy Notley, Debbie Simpson were allocated Club places for the 2013 event.