Your help needed

Please click here to download the form and return it by Thursday 10 May  Either print it off and return by hand, or email a signed scanned copy to Irene.

B&RAC and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

To enable the Club (coaches/team managers/officers) to keep you up to date about Club activities (including cross country fixtures, road relays, track & field fixtures, club races, fixtures organised by other clubs); training sessions; social events; information from England Athletics; and send you the annual newsletter, we want to keep your personal information, which we hold, up to date and secure.

The only information we will keep is the member’s name, date of birth, address, email address, phone no(s), name of any EA affiliated Clubs you are registered with, gender, and any relevant health information.

We know however that some of the information is out of date and now is the right time to correct our records, especially as a new law, the GDPR comes into effect on the 25 May 2018.

The GDPR is about the collection, storage, and use of personal and sensitive data which can be used to identify an individual either directly or indirectly, and following guidance from England Athletics, B&RAC officers have adopted a Personal Data Policy.

We have to have your consent to the safe use of your personal data. You are not obliged to share your data but if you choose not to share it, we may not be able to register you with England Athletics or administer your membership. You also have the right, in the future, to ask for your personal data to be removed.

I have therefore attached a copy of the policy, which you are recommended to carefully read. Then please return the form ticked to say you have read it and consent to B&RAC holding your personal data together with any changes to your address, email address, phone nos.

We need the form returned by Thursday 10 May 2018 please to enable the Club to update our records by the introduction date of the GDPR.

Where there is more than one person in the family who is a Club member, a separate Form must be completed and returned for each member.

Any queries? Please do get in touch with me or Irene.

Thank you

Len Quartly
01527 501580
[email protected]

Irene Nicholls
(Membership Secretary)
0121 445 5327
[email protected]