Annual General Meeting
Abbey Stadium, Redditch – Friday 28 October 2016 at 19:00 – 21:00 hours.
(Reports available to be read from 19:00. Meeting proper starts at 19:30)
1. Apologies
2. Minutes of AGM held 30 October 2015
3. Matters Arising
4. Reports
Membership Secretary
Team Managers
Election of Officers
Election of Delegates
Election of Team Managers
1. That for the year 2017, members’ subscriptions be increased by £2 to meet
a. England Athletics’ athlete registration fee increase of £1, and
b. B&RAC’s element of the subscriptions increase of £1.
2. That the B&RAC Official Handbook be amended as follows
a. Rule 4.2 to include the positions of:
Vice Chairman
Honorary Secretary
Honorary Treasurer
Fixtures Secretary
Membership Secretary
Social Secretary
Public Relations Officer
Team Managers.
b. Rule 4.5
To reduce the number of Committee members required for a quorum to 3 or 5.
c. Rule 4.6
To reduce the number of Committee members required for a quorum to 3.
d. Rule 6.0
To alter the Club’s financial year to 01 October to 30 September.
e. Rule 7.0
To remove this rule.
f. Rule 9.1
To add non-competing coaches as a free category of membership.
g. Rule 9.5
Remove the need for one month’s notice sent by recorded delivery to the last known address.